photos of 3 vegan dinner ideas

11 Easy Vegan Dinner Ideas For Mixed-Diet Families

I’ve been vegan in a non-vegan family for 15 years. I never make more than 1 meal for dinner to feed us all —  and everyone’s dietary preferences are met.


I love making dinner each night for my family and I know that isn’t a shared sentiment for most parents, let alone vegans in mixed-diet families.


You CAN thrive as a vegan in a non-vegan family.


You CAN connect with food despite dietary differences.


I created a round up of easy vegan dinner ideas from my blog, (including these fajitas and my favorite pizza) that keep us all happily fed and explain my strategies for feeding everyone with each meal in this article on Business Insider.

Read all 11 dinner ideas and get the links to the recipes in the full article in Business Insider.

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